Dennis Braatz

Closed is a globally known contemporary design brand, based on a unique creative DNA. The family business stands for pure quality, effortless looks and jeans handmade in Italy, since 1978. Closed was founded by a French design duo in Italy and is now based in Germany. Most of their products are produced in Europe by their loyal partners—people they have been working with for decades. There are Closed shops in Europe and a network of many retail partners, from Antwerp to Beirut, from L.A. to Tokyo.

Kochbücher von Dennis Braatz

Cucina Closed

Cucina Closed

8,1 / 10
Kochbuch von
40,00 €
Die Modemarke Closed ist eng mit Italien verbunden. Dort werden viele ihrer Produkte, vor allem Jeans, gefertigt. Ein Anlass für das Unternehmen, die Produktionspartner/innen mitsamt ihren Lieblingsgerichten in einem Buch vorzustellen. Das ist zwar ein PR-Produkt, aber ein gutes, liebevolles und…weiterlesen

Weitere Kochbücher von Dennis Braatz