Alexander Augustin
Alexander Augustin is a passionate amateur cook living with his family near Bonn, Germany. Some time ago, his wife took him to an in-home demonstration of the TM 31. She had a hard time convincing him to join her, but at the end of the demonstration the inevitable happened: the order form for a Thermomix was filled out and signed.
Today, Alexander cooks with a TM 5 and has become a true Thermomix expert. There is hardly a day when the Thermomix is not in use at the Augustins house. Also results are noticed on the bathroom scales. Last year Alexander did a fasting diet for a week in spring and with smoothies he had good experiences with desired result. And his little son, who used to be a true veggie-avoider became really enthusiastic about these colourful fruit and veggie drinks.
The energy the Augustins have gained with their smoothies Alexander used immediately to get creative and implement this book project, compiling his favourite smoothies.